Our Brand Ambassadors represent us in line with our values, strengthening our relationship with our users (often times local to where they are based), helping with brand awareness. Our Brand Ambassadors can be seen at many events across the world, a great opportunity for anyone to approach them and learn more about Switched. Some of our Brand Ambassadors also produce content for us including articles or blog posts, conducting interviews and more.
Picture of Pup Bailey
Pup Bailey (🇫🇷 France)

Pup Bailey is a queer activist and content creator based in Paris. He was elected Mister Puppy France 2023 and has been involved in multiple fetish projects including authoring articles on social issues in our kinky community, with more on their way. He is also the creator of the upcoming KinkyKeyWordz fetish phrasebook. Good boys don't stay silent!

Switched  |  Website  |  Instagram

Picture of Kross Cumback by Paweł Spychalski
Photograph by Paweł Spychalski
Kross Cumback (🇵🇱 Poland)

Kross joined Switched as an advocate for community-led spaces for kinky queers. He has great ideas that will help us improve Switched for kinksters everywhere. Motivated by his activism, he previously held the title of Mr Rubber Poland 2023. He believes that titleholders should empower communities, and that's why he started PLAY, the Polish Latex Assembly group in Poland. Kross is also the author of the podcast “Kross na pulsie” (in Polish, and means “In touch”) where he talks about topics of interest to the community.

Switched  |  Website  |  Instagram

Picture of Pup Momo
Pup Momo (🇬🇧 United Kingdom)

A Chastity and Gear Puppy from Amsterdam who’s been on the scene for about 8 years. His favorite kinks are Pup Play, Rubber, Chastity, Power Exchange, Denial, and Fisting. Momo loves going to events, going for walkies, and is always in the mood to get locked up!

He’s written about his experiences several times before and loves connecting with other like-minded kinksters through his work on the scene, and hopes his stories can help others along their own kink journeys.

Switched  |  Instagram  |  X (Twitter)

How to become a Brand Ambassador

If your values align with ours, and you're interested in joining a small team of passionate individuals working hard to build the best app for kinksters worldwide, then we'd love to hear from you.

The best way to get the conversation started is by emailing us by using the ''Contact us' information at the bottom of this page.

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